It seems that there are three types of people using MySpace nowadays: 1) teens who seek to hide info and relations from their Facebook-savy parents, 2) the creeps who stalk them, and 3) musicians and fans of independent and popular music. Captivating the former audience segments clearly has its downfalls, yet catering to the music crowd is certainly within reach, as few social music networks have the reach and familiarity that MySpace still enjoys.
Simply re-branding MySpace is clearly not the answer, as feedback on the recent Read Write Web post can attest. While MySpace has issues with marketing, it would appear that their problems are more operational in nature. Despite their leadership stumbles, the fact remains that MySpace still has about 57 million users in the U.S. alone. That’s nothing to turn your nose at, which is why the opportunity to create a robust music social network platform is now.

When independent record labels went mainstream in the early 90s, it left a huge void for fans and artists alike. But what is happening on MySpace Music today is not unlike the proliferation of independent artists that resulted in the advent of punk music and less conventional means of marketing in the early 80s. Providing marketing and distribution services to artists; fostering more formal user-created content; harnessing the power of crowd source recording efforts; showcasing popular regional music pockets; and creating a solid offline event experience are just a few of the things MySpace could do to leverage their power on the Internet and claim a space that no one has. For their sake, I hope they focus.
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